Things that are making me anxious right about now:
- I have 208 films to analyze.
- I have to digitize 13 different measurements for each of those 208 films.
- 13x208 is just shy of 3,000.
- Even if I digitize 10 films per day, it will take me 22 days to finish digitizing.
- By the end of that time, it will be March, people, March.
- That leaves me 4 weeks to do the statistical analysis and write about 30 pages of discussion.
- Have I mentioned that I don't know how to do a statistical analysis?
- Did I also mention there's this wedding that we're supposed to plan before May?
- Then there's also that move that we might do about 3 days after the wedding.
- But we don't know where we're moving.
- Or even if we're moving. Wrap your brain around that one.